Tag Archive: Holy Spirit

God has given me a heart for the Lukewarm Church, those who know the Gospel, but are not on fire for God. I have a heart for reigniting the Church, especially now as the signs in the sky and on Earth suggest that Jesus’ Second Coming is very soon. I write this now to all those who have strayed or have never really know the Father, may this lead you to the start of a journey back to the Father’s heart.

I have received word from God that I need to warn you that the age of the dispensation of grace which Paul talked about is nearing its end and God cannot withhold His judgements against the nations for much longer. I am warning you now to please return to God in totality, so that you may avoid His wrath. God is standing with open arms and is pleading with you to come back to Him. He does not want to punish any of His children, but He is also a righteous God and He cannot withhold His judgements forever. God will also not force you to turn back to Him, He wants your worship to come out of your own free will. You need to come to the realisation that there is nothing that we can do to get to Heaven. For we all fall short of the glory of God, but the Lord has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. We have all sinned and our punishment is death and eternity in Hell. But God Loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son that whomsoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. God still loves us and He will always love us. There is nothing that we can do to ever make Him love us more or love us less or stop loving us entirely.

The prophet Zechariah received a word from the Lord to give to the Jews while they were still living in captivity to return back to God, I believe that God is giving this warning to the Church now. I believe tat it is specifically to the Church in the West who have started to follow the ways of the world rather than God’s commands. I pray that you will heed the warning, God is eagerly awaiting your return.

“The Lord was very angry with your forefathers. Therefore tell the people: ‘Return to me,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘and I will return to you,’ says the Lord Almighty. Do not be like your forefathers, to whom the earlier prophets proclaimed: This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Turn from your evil ways and your evil practices.’ But they would not listen or pay attention to me, declares the Lord. Where are your forefathers now? And the prophets, do they live forever? But did not my words and my decrees, which I commanded my servants the prophets, overtake your forefathers?                                                                                                                                               “Then they repented and said, ‘The Lord Almighty has done to us what our ways and practices deserve, just as He determined.'”

I hope and pray that you will allow the Holy Spirit the opportunity to move in your hearts, life and churches that you may see and experience the wondrous gifts He wishes to bestow upon you. I pray that you will come to know that you are not saved by your programs or the special things that you say, your traditions nor by any of your works. We are saved by the precious blood of Jesus. His desire is that you will let His messenger, the Holy Spirit have free reign over your life and your Church.

I pray that you will return to God, He’s waiting patiently for your return.


According to the Gregorian calendar and Christian counting today is the day of Pentecost, fifty days after Easter. This day some 2000 years ago was when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Helper that Jesus had promised He would send to His disciples in His stead to guide them. He promises to the exact same thing to everyone of us once we are saved and baptised.

The awesome thing about God is that sometimes God is incredibly quiet, but then other times He’s scarily loud. The arrival of the Holy Spirit was one of those crazy awe inspiring times. This display of divine might, I think, was just the thing that Jesus’ followers needed along with the Holy Spirit to stop being so scared and to rather be filled with boldness. The boldness need to carry the Gospel throughout the world, into prisons and towards executions for their faith. This divine boldness is something that we still need now and in the future. We are far to often ashamed of the Gospel. We don’t want to say to much about our faith publicly, because we are scared that we will offend someone, when in actual fact we should be worried about offending God who can damn our souls for eternity.

There are some who say that Christians are people who are not able to stand up for themselves, so they use religion as a crutch to support them. I believe that this is a great misunderstanding and deception, because Christians are not necessarily weaklings, we simply have acknowledged our own short comings and hence need for a Saviour. The same thing applies with regards to the Holy Spirit, we have recognised our short comings as humans and our need for a constant voice in our head or heart to guide through life’s big and small decisions. The Holy Spirit is our constant confidant and adviser. No matter where we are or what time of day it is we can always commune with Him.

So who or what is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Trinity or the God Head – Father, Son and Spirit. It is the part of God which lives inside of us. The beautiful thing about God is that He has three parts of Him, which enables Him to express love and relationship, something He never would have been able to do if there was only one side or part of Him. The other incredible thing regarding the God Head is that every side of God is so intricately entwined with each other that they know everything that the other(s) say or think immediately. This means that you can address only one of them, but the entire God Head is in on the conversation; so you do not need to worry about who to address specifically, they will all hear you.

Another interesting thing about Pentecost that a lot of Christians do not realise is that it is a Hebraic feast. It was one of the feasts that God gave to Israel via Moses to celebrate. It is a harvest feast and God commanded that all of the men were to go up to Jerusalem if they were able to do so to celebrate this feast. The amazing thing is that when God originally commanded the Israelites to observe this feast. He already knew of His plan for Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the world and that He would then send the Holy Spirit to His followers, so He commanded them hundreds of years before to be in Jerusalem at that time.

May we never forget to be thankful for our own personal, internal adviser who never sleeps and is in constant fellowship with the Father and the Son, thus we too can be in constant fellowship of the Father and the Son.

The Fear of letting God

I often feel like churches create programs or at least an order of service, because they (or rather people) like to have a sense of control. We feel like we have a list of things that we have to accomplish during a church service. We have to have worship and a sermon. Then there are few things that we feel we arguably should have – needs of a lesser extent- such as communion, announcements and some irregular report backs/testimonies/fun stuff for kids. We perfectly time our service, so that people won’t get bored or have too much of their day tied up at church. Each set of ‘needs’ is unofficial lay allocated an amount of time to fit in perfectly to this embarrassingly ridged service.

I don’t believe that this is what God had in mind for His Church. I believe that God would love to play havoc with our services if we would just let Him. If we came every Sunday and bared our broken hearts before Him. Allowed Him to heal our brokenness. Allowed Him to dictate the service, to lead us to the place He wants us to be in. And not the other way around. Allowed Him to tell us that what our souls really need to just to keep on worshiping Him. Or whether we need to spontaneously share testimonies to encourage one another. Or if what we really needed was to be quiet and listen to some good solid teaching.

I think that in this regard church leaders fear God, and not in just a reverent respectful way. But rather in the same way that a dictator kills off any potential threats to his power. His control of the masses. It’s a selfish, greedy, manipulative fear. I understand that there are mega churches, and they have a ‘need’ for structure. But then they have home groups at least, and to be honest I don’t think that God is allowed free reign in home groups either.

The saddest part is that, because of our fear of God and allowing Him to move and heal us as He wishes, we close ourselves off from all that God desires to do and give for us. We close ourselves off to intimacy with God, afraid of the chaos and humiliation. But we end up losing out on something so much greater, experiencing His love for us in this lifetime. Let’s rather all be Jesus Freaks.

In the the past several months of being away from home I’ve had the opportunity to visit a variety of churches. I do not think that if I had stayed at home that I would have gone to so many different churches. This opportunity has truly been a blessing for me, as God has been able to show me the reality of which churches His Spirit is moving in and in which ones are totally void of His Presence. The beautiful thing about this is that I believe that God has called me to reignite the lukewarm church, or at least to warn the church of the consequences of being lukewarm. Now I have a much more truer understanding of the situation.

I have come to realise that I am very sensitive to God’s presence, as soon as I feel His presence I begin to sway slightly, uncontrollably/unconsciously. One thing I’ve come to understand is that in the church God’s presence generally only begins to flow through the congregation through true worship. When it comes to worship we often think that it has a lot to do with the songs that we are singing, but it really has to do with our hearts. Are we truly seeking God’s face? Or are we simply singing out habit or compulsion? And are we seeking God’s face collectively, as a congregation? It’s when we as the church collectively seek God’s face during a time of worship that His Presence is tangibly felt. When the Holy Spirit fills and moves through the church, that is when we hear God’s voice the easiest (I think) and He reveals things to us and we see visions. When His Spirit flows through us, that is when He is able to fill up our dry cups until they overflow, so that we have the strength to go out into this dark world that we live in.

I think that too often in the church people are afraid of the Holy Spirit starting to move in the church. They might be afraid of their sins being exposed, afraid to admit that to themselves that they are walking down a dark path. The problem with this denial is that it ultimately leads to eternal death and pain. It is better to be called out on the sin which is causing you to walk down the dark path, to admit to it, ask God for His forgiveness and for His strength to not continue committing the same sin. It is also so much easier to walk the walk of righteousness that God has called us to walk, when we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit moving through us and revealing certain truths to us. When the Spirit moves and we get to communicate with God, that is when our relationship with God grows. Growing our relationship with God is one of the most important things that we need to do while we are here on Earth, hence why I love being in God’s Presence. If we don’t have a personal relationship with God then we risk Him saying to us on Judgement Day, what Jesus warned us of in Matthew 7:23, “… ‘I never knew you. Away from Me, you evil doers!'” And Jesus said this of people who had prophesied  in His name and cast out demons in His name. Be sure that you know Jesus.

If we really want God’s spirit to move then we need to also have a sustained period of worship. If we only sing one or two songs here and there then the Holy Spirit’s work is disrupted, It is unable to complete It’s work in our spirit and in our lives. We end up missing out on what God wanted to reveal to us. And that is heartbreaking. God created us to commune with Him, as in spend time with Him in His presence and talk with Him. He created the universe, us and everything on the Earth included, to worship Him. We were designed to worship God, hence why we only truly feel fulfilled when we worship Him.

I pray that you will start to seek God’s face with a greater desire, that you will begin to enjoy and love being in God’s presence, that God will start to reveal amazing things to you and that your relationship with God will grow, so you need not fear Jesus telling you that He does not know you. May God pour His blessings out over you.