We as Christians are sons and daughters of the Most High, hence we have been adopted into His family. This concept of spiritual adoption is one that the Church rarely ever speaks about or acknowledges. I believe it’s another one of Satan’s sneaky deceptions. Because by ignoring the fact that we have been adopted, we are ignoring our responsibility of being fully a part of our new family. So who is a part of this family we’ve been adopted into? Well God is our Father, and the Bible is quite clear that the Israelites or Jews are His chosen people – His children. Our adopted siblings are the Jews. The saddest thing is that so many Churches and Christians don’t treat Jews as their brothers and sisters. They also don’t take any interest the history or traditions of their new family. I doubt this does anything other than sadden and disappoint our Father. And shouldn’t we rather be trying to please Him?

There is quite a lot of confusion and uncertainty over exactly Jesus came to do regarding the Mosaic Law. Jesus in Matthew 5:17 is quite clear on this, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” And how exactly did He fulfill them? He became the world’s sacrificial Lamb, so that no sacrifice for the atonement of sins ever be made again. Jesus never said that we shouldn’t follow the Law, but His interactions with the Pharisees made it clear that it is far more important to follow the spirit of the Law rather than the letter of the Law. I don’t think that we necessarily need to start following Mosaic Law, but God did give the Israelites those laws for a reason – He knew their lives would be better for it. It might be an idea, therefore to study the Law a bit and abide by its spirit.

Starting to celebrate our adopted family’s feasts and celebrations, as opposed to our Christianified pagan celebrations. The thing about the Hebraic feasts is that they all point to Jesus, and hence are beautifully profound in our Christian walk. They point either to Jesus’ first or second coming. These feasts, hence shed light on Jesus’ Second Coming. Knowing and understanding these profound truths hidden in these feasts will certainly help us as we wait for His return.

Our adopted family’s history is well documented in the Old Testament and if we really want to get to know our family better we have to understand their past. The Old Testament should also be read for its beautiful promises encouragements, laments and wisdom, which are continuously relevant. On top of that are the many end time prophecies, which are definitely relevant for us to day, as we seek for signs as to whether or not we are in the end times.

I pray that we may be pleased to be a part of God’s family, His whole family, and that we may embrace it’s entirety with open arms.